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Auntie Bee
Tomorrow is your 3rd birthday....Happy Birthday baby girl...I miss you so much but you and brit brit are together this year!
mommy of greg jr
Happy early birthday angel we miss you
cindi dana regans mom
Hey Trinity fly across the sky and send lots of hugs to mom she sure can use it ...Hugs good night angel<3
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
When all is said and done,the last word is Immanuel--God-With-Us.Isaiah 8:10 MSG Love and God Bless.XO
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity i stopped to smell a rose today it was so beautiful i thought of u precious angel. it must be beautiful over the rainbow<3
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
That God once loved a garden we learn in Holy writ. And seeing gardens in the Spring I well can credit it. ~Winifred Mary Letts
Barb/Nicky's MOM
He died so that we might live.He rose to fullfill the promise of life after death.Thank You Jesus!Sending you Easter Blessings.XO
Judy~Mom/Angel Curtis Dawson
Every parting is a foretaste of death, and every reunion a foretaste of resurrection. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer.
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
Thinking of you as the flowers of Spring bloom.Nature bekons to me and I respond with this kiss I blow your way.XXXXXXX
Judy~Mom/Angel Curtis Dawson
Such a precious little one, gone too soon, I too am from Mo. not far from Cameron. I will pray for God to comfort u....XOXO
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Trinity ur such a sweetie only God knows why things happen like this~Our Angel Angie will take good care of u for ur Mommy~Hugs~
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity the days seem to go by so fast its just one less and brings me to one day closer to you hugs angel^j^
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee.Isaiah 26:3
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity wishing you a Be-Lated Happy St. Pattys Day i am sure u and dana had a lot of fun and ate big green cupcakes!
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
“May you always walk in sunshine. May you never want for more. May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door
Barb-Nicky Pisano's MOM
May God give you eyes to see beauty only the heart can understand.Love and God Bless.XXXOOO ((Trinity))
Rogers mom
My sweet little beatiful angel you are so missed .but you will remain in our hearts forever.goodnight little angel
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
How much do I love thee,let me count the ways.That is impossible to do since I can't count that XO
Ryan Bertoncino
Miss you TT....I love you forever....I miss playing with are two now almost 3 wish you were here
auntie bee
My precious angel I miss you so much....I think of you everyday and wish you were here running around memas house...Love you baby
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
Just stopping by to let you know how loved and missed you are.You are always in my thoughts.(((HUGS) ))
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
The Lord promises to bind up the brokenhearted,to give relief and full deliverance to those whose spirits have been weighed down.
cindi dana regans mom
Angel angel way up high fly across our beuatiful sky and lets us no you are near by..sending hugs over the rainbow</3
auntie bee
I miss my beautiful baby girl so much!! TT you are my angel watching over me helping me get through..I love you so much precious..
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
When God finds a soul that rests in Him and is not easily this same soul He gives the joy of His presence.Love and GB
cindi dana regans mom
I was searching the sky for the brightest star and i found you twinkling back, hugs precious angel.
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
Sorry my computer has been messed up.I missed lighting candles for you.I'm sending all my love to you and your family.XO
cindi dana regans mom
Happy Valentines Day Trinity!!!!
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity everyday i think of you with love in my heart See you over the rainbow angel! </3
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
Heaven often seems distant and unknown,but if He who made the our guide,we need not fear to lose the way.Love and GB
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
I hope all our angels are having a great big snowball fight in the sky.Wish you were here.XXOO Love and God Bless
cindi dana regans mom
I heard a whisper in my ear telling me u were here...Fly high angels Trinity and Dana ^j^^j^
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself,because it is not there.There is no such thing.C.S.Lewis Love and GB
dana regans mom cindi
Trinity Good Morning sending hugs to you on butterfly wings }i{
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity although i have been away you have been in my heart tuck safely away. Fly high precious angel^j^
Teri Drebit (Jaime's Mom)
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your precious little baby. Heaven has a beautiful angel amongst them...sweet Trinity. G/B
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Trinity
The wolf moon is glowing tonight,how big it looks,I picture r angels all gathered round saying we have front row seats.XXOO
auntie bee
I love you our sweet angel...I know you and Brit are together watching over us..I miss you so much!
Barb/nicky's MOM to: Trinity
May your day be as beautiful as your sweet smile Trinity.Love to your mama,and family XXOO
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
No matter the time or years that shall pass; nor days of special events; you are 4ever in our hearts to stay ~♥~
Barb/Nicky Pisano's MOM
Dear trinity what a beautiful baby girl you are.god needed another glorious flower for his garden and he picked you! xxoo
Nancy McC arty
Your baby is beautiful.
Angel James Burnette's Sis
Lighting this candle for the light of your life, sending sweet hugs and love to you above and to your family that remains.
Delia Allan Tomlin's Mum
Thinking of you & your family Precious Angel and sending hugs to you in Heaven xxx
Mom to Richard Terrence Hatten
Keeping you and the ones that love & miss you so in my thoughts and prayers, Sweet Angel. Hugs to all!
Rain Arizolas Mommy
Lighting this candle for you sweetie and letting you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
Rose Brittany Syfert's grma
Trinity,Lighting this candle in ur loving memory, holding u & ur loved ones in my heart
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity i just wanted to let you no that i am thinking of you today and sending hugs your way. Hugs precious angel^j
cindi dana regans mom
Those we love don't go away They walkwith us everyday Unseen unheard but always near Still loved,still missed n very dear.
cindi dana regans mom
God grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the dif
cindi dana regans mom
Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart.^j^
cindi dana regans mom
Everything in life can be fixed but a broken heart, missin you has broken my heart no bandaid big enough> we miss you! My angel!
cindi dana regans mom
Trinity as we look to the sky n watch the stars twinkle we no that you are smiling back at us. Fly high never gonna say good bye!
cindi dana regans mom
Good Morning Angel i always find a reason to smile when i think of you ^j^
Aunt Jo to Leah Avril
So Sorry for the loss of your precious baby girl. She is so special. An angel. May God take good care of you all. Sweet rest! ♥♥♥♥♥
Mommy of Greg jr
Happy new year baby girl
cindi cont~~~
Happy New Year Angel!!!
cindi dana regans mom
Dear Trinity may u fly close n sprinkle angel dust down on us in the coming new year. Thank you for all the love candles
cindi dana regans mom
Trinitywhy do angels fly why do families cry why must we be apart why is this pain so bad its breaking my heart? Hugs sweet angel!
cindi dana regans mom
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